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I'm on my way to 30 years of living this way and if I've been doing this for so long it's because I love what I do.

The beauty of Photography is that it is evolutionary and if I am in it it is because, mainly my desire was to be a cartoonist (or illustrator), however the evolution of the theme of my creations took me to another world, more figurative, the world in the one you have entered to get to know me as a photographer.

I started at the age of 10, with a Kodak Instamatic 126 in black and white, my first photos were taken in a military corvette after a school visit to the port of Barcelona, that's how it all started, with cameras for the general public, I wouldn't have imagined never that I had ended up living from this, although something was floating in the air...

In 1986 my first SLR arrived, a Canon T70. It could have arrived a year earlier but my father had it stored in a closet and made me wait.

In 1992 I began to win photography contests, winning the special prize Televisió de Catalunya in the contest organized by Kodak called "Objective, living in depth" among others of lesser caliber, that same year and after seeing that my expectations for being a graphic designer were reduced. They faded and after having passed the entrance exams to the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona, I decided to study Photography in Brussels, where I had lived with my family since 1988.

I have been awarded on about 20 occasions in the international competition organized by the French magazine, PHOTO between 1990 and 2022, in 1995 I obtained my official qualification that gave access to the profession in Benelux, two years later I had my Photography store in Brussels and 6 years later, I closed and returned to my homeland, Catalonia.

In 2004 I settled in my father's hometown, Les Borges Blanques (Lleida) and after trying alternative jobs to survive, I realized that what was mine was to be a photographer and thus began collaborations with the newspaper Som Garrigues and to date I have published and sold hundreds of photos, today I feel satisfied with my career, although there is a lot of world to discover and my art must reach everyone.

This is my website, as a photographer specialized in portraits and events, you can see what I have been doing in the last 20 years, most of it in digital, although I have not abandoned analog photography yet, I hope you like what you see, I am updating old works since the evolution of editing software has been so powerful in recent times that according to the work it deserves a second version, they better show my technical evolution, although, others I prefer to show them as they were edited at the time, for example that the essence of everything is not in the edition.

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It is no coincidence that I am a photographer, as I already said, from a very young age I stood out in drawing and I was clear that I was going to opt for studying fine arts and making a living from it, I still continue drawing, but it is Photography that fulfills me much more, mainly because What I do is with physical people, contact is very important and I am one of those people who are happy living in this world and just by knowing someone who I didn't know existed, it is worth being there.

I love the beauty that people give off, well, said in a general way and, when I talk about beauty I am not talking about established beauty canons, a woman (or a man) gives off beauty regardless of her physical appearance, for me that is Beauty is the most important and that beauty is in each person, whether they are a professional model or not, I think that everyone can be portrayed and can leave their mark, I am sorry that there are photographers who think that this can only be achieved with grateful physiques, everything It is interpretable and creating that type of stereotypes hurts my soul.

I think that my work is coherent, I am here so that you all have access to my art, without discriminating, it is true that I would have liked to have accessed very different profiles than the ones I show on my website, but for different reasons I was not able to open that door I'm talking about people with physical disabilities of any kind. I don't discriminate against anyone, but if the door opens for us, we must show respect at all times.

What works best

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Tell your story

How about you tell us a story, where you come from and where you're going. Who you are, your studies and main training (not an infinite curriculum that nobody reads it), what you like or don't like, how you got to set up your studio or why you decided to be a photographer, videographer or creative. Try to arouse sympathy among your visitors.

do you want to know more?

Transmit closeness and flexibility

Always thinking of your client. Don't start saying that you are the best and that you have a thousand prizes (best if it highlights only the best). Think about what you can do for your clients and how you can help them create the best report or creation they are looking for. Transmit peace of mind and security. And make it clear that although you have some specialties you are open to proposals.

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Include your best photos, videos and creations

For us this is the most important advice of all. It shows the best of your work, it is better to show six photos or videos per specialty, six very good photos, than twenty photos where ten are very normal. You must capture the attention of your potential client from the first moment. Only quality.

Link to other sections

Adding links in the texts pointing to other sections of your website is always a good way to invite your visitors to continue browsing it and get to know you better. For example: "Look at our work at weddings, you're going to love it". Or add a link to the contact section when you consider it appropriate.

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We are creatives

Discover our work

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Finally, put a face to your business as a photographer, videographer or creative, and get the most out of your website. Consider seriously this section, is one of the most demanded currently by your potential customers and followers. If you don't you will miss a great opportunity to reach their hearts.

We hope these tips will inspire you to create the best possible website for your business to succeed. And that your customers understand that they are not only hiring a report but people willing to help them get those photographs, videos and creations they dream.

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